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![]() A New Look
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The Consciousness Path is astounding in its challenges to your usual way of thinking. But we are certain you will eventually enjoy every facet and demand of It. it will most certainly require basic changes in some of your foundational conceptions and begin to revolutionize your whole way of life beyond what you can presently imagine. But it is the fruit of today's best scholarship in science and psychology and of intelligent common sense.
Belief and faith are not involved, only understanding. And understanding always begins on the level of good common sense.
Do you know any object or circumstance apart from your thinking? That is, is there a person or a mountain or a war of the past, present, or future that is knowable to you apart from your thoughts? No! Then why have you assumed their existence as'out there' states? Einstein was right when he concluded that "the whole objective universe of matter and energy, atoms and stars, does not exist except as a construction of the consciousness." You and I have been like the dreamer before he wakes up--he looks on the people, things, and circumstances of his dream as if they were out- there conditions. In other words, we have been asleep to the plain facts. But in the awake state we can agree fully with Einstein and the best of modern scholarship. Today there is a wide-spread awakening. All we are doing here is inviting you to be involved in it.
You may not want to become involved, even though the promises of it are spectacularly good and positive. But if you do become involved, it will spontaneously alter many of the basic habits of thought you have believed were natural and necessary.
If--as modern science and psychology says--everything you see as your world of affairs is only a mode of your own thought and not something 'out there' you are merely aware of, then you are the only consciousness involved in the whole of your experience--just as is the dreamer with his dream--and you have to take full responsibiliy for everything that has happened throughout history, for everything that is happening today, and for everythng that will happen. You are completely alone with your own being and experience. Jesus said as much: "The Father has put all things into my hands." To resort to teen-age language-Whow!
The 'you' we are considering here is not the person called 'me'--there are countless such'me's. It is consciousness in its total manifestation. It means all the activity of thinking. whether indicated by the thoughts of a human person or a bug or in the formation of a material structure such as a star or a building. The true'you' is involved in "the whole objective universe", according to Einstein--just as the dreamer is involved in every condition of his dream experience.
If the true 'you' is involved in the condition of the entire universe of experience, then it is only good common sense to think and act accordingly. For instance, when you see good or trouble anywhere, anytime, in any form, you will learn to accept it as your own affair and responsibility. Religion says rightly: "Love your neighbor as yourself'--"your neighboe' being all the thinking evident in the whole world of your experience. According to the Consciousness Path, your neighbor is you (not merely like you, as religion usually implies). Never blame'others'--there are none! See all good as the fruit of your own thinking, and all that is wrong as a demand upon you for better thinking. "The whole objective universe of matter and energy, atoms and stars" is yours, and it is waiting on you and on no one else to improve its nature. In Jesus' terms: "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." It's your world! Your right thinking is its only salvation!
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